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Monday, February 14, 2011

No Valentine? Oh no!!

Valentine's day, what a shit holiday.  This coming from the guy who will be bringing flowers to his single mom and probably making her cook.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Muchbar: Bellevue's new Jersey Shore Influenced Night Club

Maybe you've heard of Bellevue's new hit night club experience, Munchbar, or as I like to call it, fucking gay. 

This new ultra hip ultra lounge attracts ultra fags with ultra tans and ultra hairdoos.  The DJ's they have are actually really good, but the drinks are insanely expensive (Vegas Prices), and like I said the crowd is just terrible.  The only thing that could possibly redeem this place is the Piano Bash, the dueling piano bar that is attached but seperate from Munchbar.  Piano Bash has performers every night that are not only amazing pianists, but they're also pretty funny and can play just about any song you could imagine.  Last time I was there they managed to play an entire rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody - very impressve.

Friday, February 11, 2011

President Mubarak - October 14th 1981 - February 11th 2011

In case you haven't stepped outside your room in the past month, President Mubarak, as of today, is the former President of Egypt.  Hosni Mubarak led Egyptian government for 30 years until recent violent protests and public outrage forced the President to step down. 

Some things you might not know about former President Mubarak.  The guy survived six assassination attempts including a knife wound incurred by one of his assailants.  His political career may be over, but if this guy moves to the U.S. he could be the next 50 cent. 

Mubarak is currently ranked 20th in Parade Magazine's "World's Worst Dictators" list.  My question is what the fuck is Parade Magazine doing creating such a list.  You can't label a "legitimate" leader as a dictator just because he doesn't subscribe to your crappy magazine. 

Post College Passtimes

This might be the one and only post that truly honors the blog title, but needs to be posted nonetheless. 

Since graduating from college I've noticed that aside from working and maintaining my flawless figure there's not a whole lot that I do.  If you were like me in college, you spent most of your free time studying and/or drinking, but mostly just drinking. 

Post a comment and let me know what you do with your free time.

Masturbation is not a valid answer, sorry Stuhr.