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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Newport Beach - My New Home

So I just moved down to Newport Beach in the end of June after living in Seattle for the last five years.  So far it's been absolutely amazing just kickin' it with my dad and exploring the golden coast.  I've been doing a lot of surfing, running, job hunting, and relaxing; but mostly I've been exploring the local bars and restaurants trying to make some new friends.

There's one place, Blackie's , that's full of washed out surfer dudes during the summer and apparently turns into a whole different place during the winter time when all of the tourists have gone home.
 This place is right on the boardwalk and is just as cheery inside as it is outside.

Just a few blocks down is a place with a little more pizzaz, Mutt Lynch's
I went there just before the fourth of July when the sign outside read, "It's America's Birthday, Let's Get Star Spangled Hammered."  This is a great spot to take a break from relaxing on the beach to have a drink with some fellow beach goers, which I have done enough of since I've been here.  
This is me at Mutt Lynch's with one of their big beers.